Trouble Sleeping When Pregnant

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Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when hormone production levels drop to a point where she stops getting her period (menstruating). Some treatments for breast cancer can cause treatment-induced menopause.

Catching enough ZZZs during pregnancy can be difficult for many women. Here’s why – plus tips for better sleep.

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Mar 08, 2018 · Maybe she should try counting sheep?? According to an US Weekly article published on Thursday, Khloé Kardashian — who revealed in late February that she is “8 months bumpin” on Instagram Story — is “having major sleeping issues”!

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Insomnia during pregnancy is normal and affects approximately 78% of pregnant women. Learn more about causes of insomnia and how to cope during pregnancy.

Trouble sleeping? The solution could lie in our ancestors’ lifestyle and taking rests like a caveman . By Louise Atkinson Updated: 04:18 EDT, 18 May 2010

Sleeping Aids While Pregnant Heartatt Makes You Sleepy and sleepiness is common in the general population among people with sleep problems that and sleep disorders like sleep walking snoring sleep apnea condition

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. Includes Wellbutrin side effects, interactions and indications.

Recent studies have shown that not only can alcohol and cigarettes worsen psoriasis symptoms, but a number of researchers believe that they may actually cause psoriasis in …

Gay people are more likely to experience trouble sleeping, new research reveals. Homosexual men are significantly more likely to have trouble falling asleep, require medication to overcome insomnia or wake feeling unrested compared to straight or bisexual males, a US study found.

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Paxil is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. Learn about side effects, interactions and indications.

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