Teen Businesses

Teen Businesses 37

Teen Businesses 116

Teen Businesses 56

Every business begins with an idea. However, that idea doesn’t come easy. So we’ve compiled a list of 100+ business ideas that you can pursue as a entrepreneur.

The YouthForce Career Internship Program (CIP) connects innovative Seattle area companies with talented youth who can help move their businesses Read More

Enforcement of the EU’s new GDPR privacy regulations is imminent, and potential fines send a clear message to companies to protect their customers, or else.

Business Taxes . Businesses come in all sizes — from large multinational corporations to sole proprietorships. This page has the information you need to fulfill your business tax obligations to the Commonwealth.

There are plenty of businesses you can run from the comfort of your own home, that aren’t nearly as bad as flipping burgers. Each one can be fun and rewarding.

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NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and each state capital.

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Welcome to My teenfriend’s House, Inc Empowering teens to lead, innovate, and serve. We work with teen teens to expand their sense of positive identity and worth, improve interpersonal skills and develop college and career readiness.

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Accounting and tax advisory services. Preparation of individual,business, non-profit, estate and gift taxes. Accounting and bookkeeping services for business.

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If you want to earn your own money, but are too to take a part-time job or would prefer to be your own boss, these ideas will help you get a business started.

Nick Bare Fitness is a resource of training programs and nutrition information.