Ronaldo Rooney Gay

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nifty; gay; celebrity; Fantasies about Celebrities, Fan Fiction, and Slash Fiction. Nifty continually needs your donations to keep this free service available. Please see the man Bands category for stories about those music groups. Please see the WWF / WWE category for stories about wrestling athletes.

Model claims football star Ronaldo cheated on his teenfriend with her after sending secret messages for two years and demanding to see her ‘bum in the flesh’

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like if you like someone who likes to like people who like the likes of people who like the people who tell them to like if their not gay and then not like them..

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro (Funchal, 5 februari 1985) is een Portugees profvoetballer die bij voorkeur als linksbuiten speelt. Hij verruilde in 2009 Manchester United voor Real Madrid, dat 94 miljoen euro voor hem betaalde.Daarmee was hij tot 2013 de duurste voetballer aller tijden.In 2015 werd hij de all-time topscorer van de UEFA …

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Soccer Blog: FC Yahoo. World Cup 2018 team preview: Peru must cope with the loss of its captain

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Red-hot Cristiano Ronaldo struck FOUR TIMES as Real Madrid beat Girona in a hugely entertaining goal filled clash to move four points behind second-place Atletico Madrid. Ronaldo was at his lethal best, sending Madrid ahead in the 11th minute with a neat finish, before Cristhian Stuani equalised

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A hair-loss medication reportedly tried by Wayne Rooney may cause prolonged and possibly irreversible impotence, scientists have claimed. The recent findings come after one patient bravely stepped forward to reveal the drug left him with no sex drive and even shrank his genitals.

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro dit Cristiano Ronaldo est un joueur de football portugais né le 5 février 1985 à Funchal. Il est souvent

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Lors de l’été, il tente de rejoindre le Real Madrid [35] mais reste finalement à Manchester United. Indisponible à la suite de son opération, Ronaldo manque la Supercoupe de l’UEFA que les siens perdent 2-1.

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Hãy cùng điểm qua 5 siêu sao thi đấu chói sáng trong màu áo đội bóng mới sau khi rời Old Trafford.