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First pictures: Italian football fans facing charges over pre-match attack which left Liverpool supporter, 53, fighting for life. Sean Cox, of Dunmanne, Meath, was at Champions League game with man

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Going Nude: Rihanna unveils sultry ad for her new perfume on Twitter as she tells fans ‘make sure you smell sexy, especially naked’ By Virginia Skeels Published: 02:32 EDT, 6 October 2012 | Updated: 03:13 EDT, 8 October 2012

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FANDOM provides the most passionate fans a home to explore, speculate, and give perspective on their interests with millions of fans on …

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FANDOM is the fan’s voice in entertainment. A place where fans can discuss, find, and share knowledge on any topic.

‘KISS MY BUTT’ Jessica Simpson goes topless as she teases fans with sexy picture of her bum in a thong bikini

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