Lesbian Relationship Issues

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Teen teen message boards online support community for teenage teens. Message board, help and advice from other teens.

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Read the AMA’s position on sexual orientation and gender identity and the association’s work to inform the public about LGBTQ discrimination and .

A new generation of issues for LGBT clients. Practitioners are seeing a new cadre of psychological concerns in their work with lesbian, …

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Lesbian bed death is a concept in which lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple, and generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship lasts. It is based on 1983 research by sociologist Pepper Schwartz.The concept has been criticized by the lesbian community and …

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The varied meanings of lesbian since the early 20th century have prompted some historians to revisit historic relationships between women before the wide usage of the word was defined by erotic proclivities. Discussion from historians caused further questioning of what qualifies as a lesbian relationship. As lesbian-feminists …

San Diego licensed marriage and family therapist, Dr. Barbara Cunningham, provides affordable relationship counseling, couples counseling, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, and individual psychotherapy in and around San Diego, CA.

Find local lesbian and gay women on PinkSofa.com, a lesbian dating site for single women seeking other women for serious relationships, friends and support.

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Offra Gerstein, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in clinical practice in Santa Cruz, California for over 25 years, and specializes in relationship issues for couples and individuals for improved quality of life.

A abortion . A procedure to intentionally end a pregnancy before a birth. Miscarriage is also sometimes called “spontaneous abortion,” even though it is usually not intended.. . Purposeful harm or mistreatment of another person, which can be verbal, emotional, physical or sexual.An ongoing pattern or cycle of such mistreatment or harm can characterize an abusive relationship.

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