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Rachel Ann McAdams (born October 7, 1978)is a Canadian actress. She is known for her roles in the Hollywood films Mean teens, The Notebook, Wedding Crashers and Red Eye.

Jaime Pressly Biography. Jaime Elizabeth Pressly is an actress and model born on July 30, 1977 in Kinston in North Carolina, teen of Brenda Sue (born Smith), a professor of dance and of James Liston Pressly.

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Jaime King (born April 23, 1979) is an American actress and model. In her modeling career and early film roles, she used the names Jamie King and James King, which was a hood nickname given to King by her parents, because her agency already represented another Jaime—the older, then-more famous model Jaime …

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Jaime Pressly nude pics and videos galleries, often updated with new sexy and nude Jaime Pressly pictures and clips

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As the gender-wage-gap debate rages on in courtrooms, at pundits’ tables, and on bitter Reddit threads, there’s one idea that has gone unchallenged: Porn is the one industry where women benefit from better pay than their male counterparts. It’s treated as a fact, sometimes used to deny that

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