House Teen Center

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Lightbox Film Center is Philadelphia’s premier exhibitor of film and moving image art. The signature public arts program of International House Philadelphia, an independent nonprofit organization, Lightbox presents an unparalleled slate of repertory, nonfiction, experimental and international cinema.

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Bronx House is a community center offering fitness and wellness, personal training, swimming, summer camp, dance, music, sports, early hood education, and other ren, adult, and family services.

• Life House Lifeline • Life House has five programs to address the unique needs of each of the youth who come to Life House: the Youth Drop-In Center, Mental Health & Wellness, Housing, Futures Education & Employment, and Safe Harbor.

OUR HOUSE provides grief support to ren and teens. Support groups connect ren of similar age and loss, through age-appropriate education and discussion.

Hill House, a non-profit community center in Boston, offers programs, summer camp, events and outreach to ren and their families.

Welcome to Friendly House. Friendly House was funded “for the educational, social and family betterment of residents of the City of Worcester.”

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Edward Hopper House is supported in part with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. Edward Hopper House is proud to be a founding member of Rockland Culture.

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Ozone House helps youth lead safe, healthy, and productive lives. We are the only agency in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and the surrounding areas) that provides free, confidential, and voluntary shelter and support services to homeless youth including runaways and high-risk youth ages 10-20 and their families. There are many …

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Human trafficking happens across the Americas and in all 50 states… and homeless ren are the prime targets. Learn more about this vile industry and how you can help us protect the people it victimizes.

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Candy for the Eye and Food for the Soul: Gene Moty