Gay Love Scenes

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Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images James Franco is no stranger to Sundance, and this past week, he premiered two films at the film festival: True Story, where he stars as an accused murderer who steals the identity of a disgraced journalist (Jonah Hill), and I Am Michael, where he plays real-life figure Michael Glatze, a former gay activist who …

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Gay history, gay art, homosexual mythology, gay love poems and articles on homosexuality from various world cultures, spanning …

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Back in 2007, we ran an article called Gay Sex Scenes that Made Movie History.A delightfully naughty exploration of firsts and foresk- … er, foremosts in terms of gay male intimacy on the silver screen, it celebrated some of the films that blew the celluloid closet to bits, one modesty sock at a time.

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Original gay scenes shot by Lucas Kazan and Italian porn star Ettore Tosi. Featuring hot hunks, muscular Italian men and hot gay sex.

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This is a guest post by super cute gay couple Sion and Ben of The Globetrotter Guys. We all know and love the obvious gay scenes around the world like Berlin, Gran Canaria, Sydney or San Francisco.But what about the less talked about ones?

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