Fuck You Im Irish

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Birth Name: Ellen Lee DeGeneres Place of Birth: Metairie, Louisiana, U.S. Date of Birth: January 26, 1958 Ethnicity: Cajun/French, English, Irish, German, distant Dutch and Swiss-German Ellen DeGeneres is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, and producer.

Add a Lebanese Swearing Phrase Lebanese Language. A collection of Lebanese profanity submitted by you! Please think about voting for the accuracy of Lebanese swear words below or even add a Lebanese cuss or Lebanese slang phrase.

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There are lots of wonderful Irish Gaelic phrases and expressions, some of which have been translated to English but I have to say the often quoted ‘Top of the morning to you…

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The best recipe for a Irish Car Bomb alcoholic mixed drink, containing Bailey’s, Guinness and Jameson. Includes mixing instructions and ingredients needed for Irish Car Bomb.

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How to Swear in Spanish – A Que chirlo – Fuck men!!! Add a Spanish Swearing Phrase Spanish Language. A collection of Spanish profanity submitted by you!

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Birth Name: Shemar Franklin Moore Place of Birth: Oakland, Alameda, California, United States Date of Birth: April 20, 1970 Ethnicity: *African-American (man) *French-Canadian, Irish (mother) Shemar Moore is an American actor and model.

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