First Gay Encounter Stories

Bob and Nancy are on vacation. Bob is 46 and nice looking and Nancy is 44 with a nice body and a very attractive woman. Bob is 5′ 9″ and 150 lbs and Nancy is 5’5 and 130 lbs.

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OUR STORIES. Upstairs at the Theater. Not so Straight. Straight Man’s fantasy. Loving a person who loves him. Wrestling across the Net. Mutual Admiration

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First time sex stories relate to virgins losing their cherry. They are typically stories of teenagers making love for the first time, and the excitement and buzz that comes from that initial experimentation.

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JUST FIRST TIME STORIES. The Kristen Archives are a free erotic story resource for consenting adults. Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff

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