Ethnic Conflict In Canada

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Macedonia and Greece . by John Shea 1997, pp.6-21 Excellent analysis of the Macedonian-Greek conflict. It would probably be best …

CBC Digital Archives has an extensive amount of content from Radio and Television, covering a wide range of topics.

the religious aspects of the Yugoslavia – Kosovo conflict. Was the Kosovo crisis an ethnic conflict or a religious conflict? There have been a series of struggles for independence during the 1990’s in the area once covered by the country of Yugoslavia: This series started in 1990 in Slovenia; 1991 in Croatia; 1992 in Bosnia Herzegovina.

The Macedonian-Greek Conflict The age long conflict between Greeks and Macedonians . The Macedonian-Greek conflict is a very complex issue. Lots of books have been written about Macedonia, but many of them simply serve to justify the aspirations, propaganda, and the partition of Macedonia of 1913, by the neighboring …

Lying off the southern tip of India, the tropical island of Sri Lanka has attracted visitors for centuries with its natural beauty. But it has been scarred by a long and bitter civil war arising out of ethnic tensions between the majority Sinhalese and the Tamil ity in the northeast. After more

Are ethnically diverse societies a source of instability? Or would their alternative, “mono-ethnic” societies, be even more unstable? Ultimately, won’t

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An ethnic group, or an ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, history, society, culture or …

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Today, Canada boasts the highest percentage of foreign-born citizens than any other G8 country. In 2012, Canada welcomed a record number of immigrants for its seventh consecutive year, with 257,515 newcomers entering the country.

In just 100 days in 1994, some 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists – how did the genocide happen?

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Given here are the ethnic origins of Canadian residents (citizens, landed immigrants, and non-citizen temporary residents) as recorded by them on their 2016 census form. The relevant census question asked for “the ethnic or cultural origins” of the respondent’s ancestors and not the respondents themselves.

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