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Clitoria; Clitoria ternatea: Scientific classification; Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Clitoria is a genus of Old World, insect-pollinated flowering pea vines

Spreading her wings! Zendaya steals the spotlight in a butterfly-inspired dress at The Greatest Showman premiere in Sydney. By Hannah Paine For Daily Mail Australia

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The Mood Dissonance trope as used in popular culture. The mood of a story or scene is the net effect of many different elements: the dialogue between the …

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Malcolm Guite is a beloved English poet/priest, renowned for his thoughtful and popular revival of the sonnet form. He currently resides outside Cambridge, where he serves as Chaplain of Girton College.

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A definitive source for information about the life and writing of Richard Brautigan. Includes chronologies, images, resources and links listings, and other information on all of Brautigan’s works.

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