Countries Russian

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Anastasia’s art has been all over Tumblr, Reddit and other corners of the internet lately because of her series re-imagining countries of the world as sci-fi/fantasy warriors.

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This article lists military bases of Russia abroad.The majority of Russia’s military bases and facilities are located in former Soviet republics; which in Russian political parlance is termed the “near abroad”.

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Israel recently hosted 24 professionals from 10 Russian-speaking countries who participated in a tailor-made course in Israel organized by MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation. The professionals underwent an intensive program on entrepreneurship, marketing and post

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Mar 26, 2018 · More than two dozen countries made coordinated announcements to expel Russian diplomats in solidarity with Britain over a nerve agent attack.

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Citing the right to intervene wherever Russians are deemed to be in trouble, Vladimir Putin has set a possible precedent for future Russian intervention across Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This map, from Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, highlights the regions in neighboring countries that have

Mar 27, 2018 · Russia has blamed U.S. “blackmail” for the decision of at least 20 countries to kick out dozens of Moscow’s diplomats under suspicion of being spies.

Countries around the world have announced plans to toss out Russian diplomats in response to a nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, that targeted a Russian ex-spy and his teen.

Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption, Including Neighboring Countries. Providing Hope, Help and Community for Adoptive Families – Eastern Europe/Central Asia and more

At least 20 countries expelled 139 suspected Russian spies in solidarity with the United Kingdom.

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The United States was among 18 countries to have its elections influenced by foreign bots.