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This is the official list of acceptable words for American tournament play approved by the National Scrabble Association in 2006. It is based on the Official Scrabble Players’ Dictionary (OSPD), with a few modifications to better reflect the rules of the game.

This group is dedicated to REAL breath play videos like CONSENSUAL hanging, bagging, choking out for the purpose of sexual stimulation. RULES UPDATED!

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Oh yeah that’s right she does! I thought she was just talking about her and that one man having sex in the classroom after the first test, but thn realized I hadn’t done t yet haha!

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3-Letter Words Defined. Some words may have multiple meanings (not listed here) Interjections cannot be pluralised (exceptions are stated) Nouns can be pluralised with “S” or “ES” as appropriate (exceptions are

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Special thanks to BabePedia. Playmate Noemi Moon – naked on the stairs; Kateriny Stankove posing in yellow bikini; Sarah McDonald – tennins player; Dreamteen Georgia Jones and her sexy ass

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