Bulgarian Gay

Classification and related languages. The modern Macedonian language belongs to the eastern group of the South Slavic branch of Slavic languages in the Indo-European language family, together with Bulgarian and the extinct Old Church Slavonic.

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Add a Bulgarian Swearing Phrase Bulgarian Language. A collection of Bulgarian profanity submitted by you! Please think about voting for the accuracy of Bulgarian swear words below or even add a Bulgarian cuss or Bulgarian slang phrase.

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Bulgaria was my first experience in Eastern Europe. What I remember most was that these women want “men”—nothing pussified whatsoever. Any feminized hipster shit from America and they’ll just look at you with confused eyes, suddenly considering you gay and without a doubt no longer attractive material.

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Bulgarian Flag, its colours and their meanings, historical facts, the constitutional references, origin of colours and symbolism and the coat of arms.

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Bulgarian music, terminology, classification of instruments, and much more – examine the history from its earliest polyphony through to modern day.

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