Are We Born Gay

Are We Born Gay 27

Are We Born Gay 17

Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, PhD, professor of psychology and Richard & Rhoda Goldman distinguished professor of social sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, recently co-edited a book called Are We Born Racist?: New Insights from Neuroscience and Positive Psychology. He is a frequent contributor to Psychology Today. Mendoza …

You can spot the problem with this study a mile away: were the gay brains LeVay studied born that way, or did they become that way? LeVay himself pointed this out to Discover Magazine in 1994: “Since I looked at adult brains, we don’t know if the differences I found were there at birth or if they appeared later.”

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The Communist Subversion of America’s s! That’s just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN?Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it’s ok to stick something in Timmy’s backside? or that it’s ok for a man to become a teen?

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Oct 21, 2012 · Homosexual leaders refuse to debate this issue because they know they cannot win. It’s imperative that we force discussion and demand such debate because we cannot lose, and it is the only path to victory.If we can forcefully expose the fallacy of the “born gay” thesis, the intellectual support of homosexual rights collapses, and we won’t even need to discuss the topic of “gay

Are We Born Gay 10

Question: “Can a person be born gay?” Answer: In 1996, The Advocate, a gay and lesbian magazine, asked readers what they believed the potential impact would be to the advancement of gay and lesbian rights if a scientific discovery proves a biological basis for homosexuality. About 61 percent of the

Here Jesus refers to “eunuchs who have been so from birth.” This terminology (“born eunuchs”) was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men.

Are We Born Gay 34

Here Jesus refers to “eunuchs who have been so from birth.” This terminology (“born eunuchs”) was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men. Jesus indicates that being a “born eunuch” is a gift from God. Discuss

Dean Hamer talks about the gay gene study. Gay men were divided: it vindicated the oft-repeated claims that “I was born this way” but also opened frightening new possibilities for detection and discrimination.

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Are We Born Gay 30

Are We Born Gay 23

Are We Born Gay 118

Mar 19, 2014 · The quixotic search for past gay ities. Please don’t confuse my points with the amateur arguments of people like Brandon Ambrosino. The subtle, counter-intuitive academic case that being gay is a social construction relies on abundant studies built out of actual data from leading scholars at major universities.

This post has been elaborated here. 1. Just because an argument is politically strategic, does not make it true: A couple of years ago, the Human Rights Campaign, arguably the country’s most powerful lesbian and gay organization, responded to politician Herman Cain’s assertion that being gay is a choice. They asked their members to “Tell Herman…