Adult Circumcision Photos

Photographs of the intact adult male foreskin. “Truth invites examination.” Aristotle “I am a human being. Nothing human is alien to me.”

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This pages contains photos of what circumcision damage, even from a ‘good’ circumcision, looks like in the adult male.

A Maasai male must show no pain while being circumcised . 1. Various forms of ritualized genital surgery –circumcision, subincision, infibulation and emasculation– are practiced throughout the world today and have been practiced by many peoples throughout history.

Urology specialist in Laser Circumcision surgery for ren and adult with phimosis or tight foreskin. Precise, less bleeding and pain, quicker recovery

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The before and after surgery results of adult male circumcisions. For more information about adult male circumcision, contact The Reed Centre.

Clinical photo and video of laser circumcision surgery by Urologist at Gleneagles Hospital. Less bleeding, quicker recovery, suitable for and adult

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The remarkably high incidence of complications of infant circumcision.

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These 33 photographs, shown here in black and white, were originally exhibited at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision at the …

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NOHARMM is a non-profit, direct-action men’s network organized against circumcision of healthy male infants and ren. Our mission is to raise public awareness about male genital cutting practices and to increase public understanding of genital integrity as a fundamental human right.

Religious male circumcision generally occurs shortly after birth, during hood or around as part of a rite of passage. Circumcision, a form of male genital mutilation, is most prevalent in the religions of Judaism, Islam, Coptic Christianity, Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Eritrean Orthodox Church.