Survey Teens

Since the survey’s inception 16 years ago, Piper Jaffray has surveyed approximately 130,000 teens and collected more than 37 million data points on teen spending in fashion, beauty and personal care, digital media, food, gaming and entertainment. The Taking Stock With Teens® survey is a semi

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Since the survey’s inception 17 years ago, Piper Jaffray has surveyed more than 155,000 teens and collected nearly 40 million data points on teen spending in fashion, beauty and personal care, digital media, food, gaming and entertainment. Overall teen spending moved down 4.4% year-over-year

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Forget the notion of carefree youth. America’s teens are every bit as stressed as the adults around them — and sometimes even more — according to a new survey that offers a snapshot of cent angst. Teens routinely say that their college-year stress levels are far higher than they think is

Feb 05, 2018 · CHICAGO – Far more U.S. teens than previously thought are transgender or identify themselves using other nontraditional gender terms, with many rejecting the idea that teen and man are the only options, new research suggests. The study looked at students in ninth and 11th grade and estimated that

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WASHINGTON—American teens report experiences with stress that follow a similar pattern as adults, according to a new survey released today by the American Psychological Association (APA). In fact, during the college year, teens say their stress level is higher than levels reported by adults in the

The survey question that asked about devices asked teens whether they “have or have access to” a list of five tools: smartphones, basic phones, desk or laptop computers, tablets and game consoles.

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This year’s Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey of drug use and attitudes among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in hundreds of colleges across the country continues to report promising trends, with past-year use of illicit drugs other than marijuana holding steady at the lowest levels in over two decades–5.8 percent among 8th graders, 9.4 percent

The next generation of students could be headed home and moving back in with their parents after graduating from college. These are findings from a new survey released last month by Achievement USA and American International Group.

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Annual Stress in America survey found teens were less likely to think that stress affected their health

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Teens share a wide range of information about themselves on social media sites; 1 indeed the sites themselves are designed to encourage the sharing of information and the expansion of networks. However, few teens embrace a fully public approach to social media. Instead, they take an array of steps